
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Better Home Cooking Basics: #24 Strawberries Don’t Ripen After They’re Picked, so Buy the Ripest Ones You Can.

Better Home Cooking Basics: Strawberries Don’t Ripen After They’re Picked, so Buy the Ripest Ones You Can. cooking tips.

Strawberries are in season (yay!) & more than likely will be on sale (double yay!).  When you're shopping for strawberries be sure to buy the ripest ones you can find because they will not ripen on your counter like other fruits (e.g., avocados, peaches, pineapples).

When perusing the farmers market or your local grocery store make sure your strawberries are
  • the brightest
  • the reddest (avoid the white or greenish ones - they're not going to get any riper!)
  • dry
  • firm
  • shiny
  • not soft or shriveled
  • not fuzzy (strawberries always seem to get moldy super fast - even before you take them home!)
Beside looks, give your berries a whiff to make sure they smell like strawberries. When you check off all these you have found your berries! Now you can eat them as they are (after you wash them) or in a yummy salsa or salad or for dessert.

Check out more better home cooking basic tips here.

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