


My name is Heather O'Hara and I make things. Constantly. I don't do it on purpose it just happens. OK part of it is my job and then other part is just a lot of fun.

It starts from the minute I wake up - I have to make things. sometimes it's a funky outfit or some sort of whimsical updo or making my own latte or sometimes I just make a big ol' mess.  Then I head to work and do creative things as the art director of a quirky beauty brand that specializes in hair removal with nyc based salons plus a growing line of products.

You'd think I'd shut off when I get home but I'm just getting started. Once I'm home I usually start making dinner.   Sometimes I whip up my own homemade pasta (yes I mean the actual noodles) for dinner (naturally with homemade sauce and sometimes ricotta cheese - yeah I've actually made cheese) - why? because honestly it tastes better and my hubby loves it!

So you see I make things. I like to make things. I get some kind of great life fulfilling satisfaction out of making things.  Since I can't blog while I'm making - I will have to blog about them in the past, hence I give you Heather O Made.

Thanks for joining me on my journey!
Heather O'Hara


  1. i want home made ricotta cheese!!!!

  2. sounds like i know what to make you & your baby bump for dinner :)

  3. Just stumbled upon your adorable blog and I love it! Im also a wife and identical twin...who also loves to make things. I just need to start moving forward with my projects...I always get distracted. Ill be following your blog :)

    1. Jules! How awesome! Love "meeting" other twins especially identical ones. Love your blog - I'll definitely be checking it on the regular. Thanks for your sweet comment!

  4. I love it. I hope to read more about what you've made, and what plans you have to make things in the future. If you make your own mozzarella cheese, then you are winning in life. That's one of the criteria as far as I'm concerned.
