
Monday, January 13, 2014

Better Home Cooking Basics: #10 Pasta Water Should Taste Like the Sea

Better Home Cooking Basics: Pasta Water Should Taste Like the Sea

If you want your pasta to taste like my grandma’s (& believe me you do) you absolutely must salt your water. I’m not talking a little sprinkle from the salt shaker. In fact, don’t use the salt shaker that you put on your table, or if you must please unscrew the top to get the salt out of it.  Add the salt right before you add your pasta (it should be at a rolling boil at this point). I usually add at least a tablespoon or two depending on the size of the pot & the amount of water. If you don’t know if you’ve added enough, taste the water. It should taste like the sea.  Adding salt before you cook the pasta is the best way to season your pasta. If you do it after it will just taste like salt on top of pasta. If you add it while you’re cooking it - it will simply taste like good pasta.

Check out more better home cooking basic tips here.

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