
Friday, September 13, 2013

Heirloom Tomato & Zucchini Noodle Salad

So I don't know how the weather is by you but in the North East we are definitely having a heat wave one minute and a taste of fall the next. So if the weather by you is still summery and it's still too hot to really cook, you can make this salad in a matter or minutes.  If you made your chimichurri at the beginning of the week like a good little scout this will really take no time at all. I opted for a simple combo of fresh heirloom tomatoes and zucchini that I picked up at the farmers market but you can try out whichever ingredients you like - choose your own adventure.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  • 3 heirloom tomatoes
  • 2 zucchini
  • 1/4 cup chimichurri sauce
  • salt & pepper
Make it!
  1. Cut your tomatoes into bit sized pieces (so you don't have to use a knife when you're eating this later).
  2. Using a veggie peeler peel the zucchini into strips. If you don't have the fancy peeler that makes thin strips, make big wide noodles with a regular peeler - it's works just fine and tastes just as good. I promise.
  3. Toss together tomatoes, zucchini strips/noodles and chimichurri sauce into a large bowl.
  4. Season with salt & pepper if needed.
  5. Let it all sit together in the bowl for a good 15 minutes or longer so all the flavors marry together.
  6. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

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