
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Enjoy The Little Things In Life

This past weekend tragic news rocked my hometown and I've found it challenging to think let alone blog.  Sometimes when you watch the news you might gasp when something hits a little too close to home, I can tell you that becomes much more intense when it is home.

I can't stop thinking of the young lives that we lost this weekend and their loved ones that have to go on without them. I wish those who survive in the memory of those lost strength and peace during this challenging time. To the souls that were lost I hope they are free from any worry or pain and are smiling high above on angles wings.

From this tragedy I take with me an appreciative perspective on love and life that we sometimes take for granted. There are no guarantees in life so cherish everyday and those in that everyday. Don't go a day without telling and showing your love for your friends and family. Make excuses to spend time with those you love, not excuses of why you can't.

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