
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wasabi Deviled Eggs

wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.
We all have our strengths, evidently making hard boiled eggs is not one of mine. Lucky for me it is one of Chris's. I was pretty excited to try my hand at making making my own after reading this article about the science of the perfect hard-boiled egg. Chris has forever boiled the eggs in our house. I actually told him I wanted to try it all by myself - you know like a big girl. Well this big girl failed with big flying colors.  My whites were mushy & my yolks… let's just say it would be a generous culinary statement to call them soft-boiled. How could I have failed so miserably? I claimed defeat & whined about it a bit. Chris grabbed more eggs (the organic ones I insisted on) at the store & showed me how it was done. In about 20 minutes we had perfectly hard-boiled eggs that I was able to make into my well anticipated (by me only) wasabi deviled eggs for our mini Memorial Day BBQ at our apartment this weekend.

How do you hard boil your eggs? Any tricks?


  • 6 hard boiled eggs (see Chris's method below!)
  • 2 tablespoons wasabi mayo (Trader Joe's makes a great one, I used it here too)
  • 1 tablespoon dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • paprika for sprinkling
  • fresh greens for presentation (optional)
Make it!
  1. If you're hard boiling your own eggs (you are more brave than me!) Chris suggests placing eggs in the bottom of a medium sized pot. Cover with cold water & bring to a boil. Chris likes to salt his water so you can add some salt to yours for good luck too. Boil on high for 2 minutes, then lower flame & simmer for 15 more minutes.  Remove from heat & place in a new bowl with cold water to cool the eggs. Allow eggs to cool for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Peel & cut hard boiled eggs in half length ways. 
  3. Pop egg yolks out & place in a small mixing bowl.
  4. Mix all egg yolks with wasabi mayo, dijon mustard, salt & pepper together until smooth & creamy.
  5. You can either spoon the mixture into each egg white or you can put on your fancy pants & put the yolk mixture in a plastic bag & cut one corner off & pipe it into your egg whites.
  6. I laid some arugula down for each deviled egg & sprinkled each with a touch of paprika because that's what my mom used to do.  Chill in the fridge until ready to serve.
wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.

wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.

wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.

wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.

wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.

wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.

wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.

wasabi deviled eggs. recipe.



    I am shocked I know how to hard boil an egg and Heather O'Made does not!
