
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pink Valentines: Baby Head Bands & Big Girl Hair Clips

If you have little girls in your life that like princesses & anything pink or if you're just hoping she does, these valentines are for that little angel.   There's a lot of little ladies in my life some who run circles around me & some who aren't even crawling yet, but accessories are fun for every age.

Read on for more photos on how to whip these up for your little ladies.

PS: Happy Valentine's Day! 
PPS: check out some photos of my little models here & here.
Things you'll neeed:
  • pink felt
  • heart shaped cookie cutters (1 small, 1 large)
  • needle
  • thread
  • fabric paint
  • 1" wide ribbon
  • self sticking velcro
  • hair clips
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • straight pins
Step 1: Trace heart shapes with a pencil onto felt.
Step 2: Cut hearts out with scissors.
Step 3: Trace & cut hearts larger than the first set.
Step 4: Decorate each smaller heart with fabric paint. I used the girls' initials. Let dry completely.
Step 5: Lay the small heart on top of the larger heart. Secure in place with a straight pin & sew with small stitches around the perimeter of the heart to attach the hearts.
Step 6: Cut strips of ribbon per the age & size of your little muchkin.  I found this chart helpful for determining what size i should used.
Step 7: Sew a heat to the middle of the ribbon.
Step 8: Stick the look & hook sides of the velcro together. Cut off a 1" piece.
Step 9: Peel the pieces of velcro apart. Place on opposite ends & opposite sides of the ribbon.
Step 10 (Optional): Sew the hook end to the ribbon so that it doesn't pull off when attaching & removing.
Step 11: Or for your big girl sew hearts to a hair clip.

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