
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Glossy Photo for the Books

Believe it or not I'm not always cooking & blogging, although I do my fair share of both (obviously).  The root of this blog lies in my love for graphic design - yes I'm an arty nerd but I didn't have to tell you that.

I've been designing graphics professionally since I graduated college (go Gamecocks!).  I remember my first computer that I bought from my sister's friend. It was used but it had all of the programs that I needed & it was a proud day in my life that I could afford my very own computer by saving my hard earned pennies.  Many (graphic & non-graphic related) jobs & computers later I still have to pinch myself that I get to do something creative every day as the art director at Shobha.

My latest pinch-me moment can be seen in this month's InStyle Magazine.  Instyle featured one of our colorful salons in its glossy pages & the photo that they chose to illustrate our salon was a photo I took.   I still can't believe that a photo I took now lives on one of the glossy pages of InStyle Magazine. #pinchmeplease


  1. That's awesome!! So proud of you!! I have that Instyle, but have yet to have a chance to open it... Now I have an excuse!! :) xoxo

  2. You definitely have an eye for beautiful things! Beautiful work. So proud of you!
