
Friday, September 7, 2012

Almond Butter with Cinnamon

Last night was Fashion's Night Out, but I opted to go home & make butter out of nuts. (God I'm getting old!)

But seriously, ever walk by the fresh peanut butter machine in your grocery store & think I should do that at home with my food processor? [crickets, do I hear crickets?]

Ok, so maybe I'm alone here but I'm into eating non-chemically things, I think they just taste better (& give me better peace of mind & don't have crazy side effects). So I give you HeatherOMade Almond Butter with Cinnamon. 

  • 3 cups raw almonds
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Make it!
  1. Add whole almonds to food processor.
  2. Blend well. At first it will look like almond powder, keep blending.
  3. Scrap the sides of the food processor occasionally.
  4. Add cinnamon & salt when large clumps form.
  5. About 15-20 minutes later you'll have rich creamy almond butter.
  6. Store in an air tight container in your fridge.

Things I plan to do with my almond butter:
  • eat it with slices of green apple
  • make these yummy treats
  • swirl it with vanilla ice cream
  • spread it on some bread & top it with honey & sliced bananas

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