
Friday, August 17, 2012

Parsnip Puree

"Let's talk about parsnips" - I believe those were the exact words that came from my friend Kara's mouth when I saw her a few weeks ago.  I can always count on Kara for a good conversation about how yummy veggies really are.  It's no secret I'd chose a veggie over meat any day, they just taste better to me.

Parsnips, if you've never had them, look like white carrots but are a little spicier & sweeter.  Turns out parsnips are packed with good-for-you-things like vitamins C, E, K, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese & tons of other things to make my mom proud that I eat them.

I like to eat parsnips mashed or pureed (think mashed potatoes, mmmmmm mashed potatoes - but with parsnips instead). Check out my recipe after the jump.

  • 5 parsnips 
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • salt & pepper
Make it:
  1. Peel parsnips with a vegetable peeler.
  2. Cut stem ends off each.
  3. Cut parsnips into equal (1/2 inch or so) pieces.
  4. Add parsnip pieces to a pot, cover with water, add salt & bring to a boil.
  5. Cook for 8-10 minutes or until parsnips are fork tender. Remove from cooking water. Set aside 1 cup of starchy cooking water.
  6. Add parsnips, butter & milk to a food processor & blend until smooth & creamy.  Add cooking water a little bit at a time if the mixture is still too thick.
  7. Season with salt & pepper. Serve warm.

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